Purchase Ledger – Currency rate
Arturs Suško

The clients have problems with currency invoice. For example we send to supplier prepayment 1000 USD on 01.01.2018. System base currency is EUR. On 01.01.2018 1000 USD what we send to client hansa exchange in 920 EUR (In Transaction). Few month later (31.04.2018) we receive invoice from supplier. Invoice sum is 980 USD. In currency rate on 31.04.2018 invoice sum in EUR is 925 EUR. And when I try to connect prepayment and “OK” invoice hansa shows error “Too high Amount”. And it isn`t correct because, if I send to client 1000 USD I should be available to connect prepayment to invoice with 980 USD and if I loose in currency exchange then in transaction should be account “currency loses”. Maybe someone knows some check box setting, because in old versions (6 and older) everything was correct.
Agnieszka Klimkiewicz

Can you check what amount you have in Prepayment line? You should not have there higher amount that total of the invoice. You can correct it manually. I think we have a bug that system does not adjust Prepayment amount to invoice amount if it is higher.


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