Revised on 2017-01-27
Please find below instruction on how to set it up:
Available from 8.0 2015-09-08 on Windows, Linux, Mac
For customers that are self-hosted i.e.they have their Standard ERP server on-premise at their site or through a 3rd party server provider.
Following is notes on how to do this:
Before Installation:
Ensure that customers IT has setup ports for “Standard ERP Service”
- These can be any ports however following are recommended for consistency purposes only.
- Standard ERP Service - 1200, 1080, 1443 (or 80 or 443 if using webshop)
- Firewall allows outgoing traffic
Notes for partners
- cloud nodes installed after 2017-01-26 do not listen for inbound connections, and use only outgoing communication to the Cloud Controller and therefore firewall configuration is normally not needed
- If customer says that they want to open the ports only to a specific IP then ask ASP what is the IP address of your cloud controller.
- Ports for “Standard ERP Service” should be open in firewall for incoming traffic as well in order for getting autoupdates for clients, but its not mandatory
Installation Process:
- As per normal, customer should have Standard ERP Service installed on their server and running
- If customers server has “Anti-Virus” software running then please ask them to turn this off temporarily while cloud node setup is being done.
- Login from the client
- Make sure that in Technics >> Register >> Program Mode >> Server port, HTTP port, HTTPS port is listed correctly
- Go to Technics >> Register >> Program Mode >> Operations >> Setup Cloud Node
- Ensure that Standard ERP System ports and customer IP address details are correct and press RUN
What happens:
- First on their server a cloud node folder will be created where all of the cloud node software will be downloaded (this may take 10 to 15 minutes depending on customers internet speed)
- In your countries Cloud Controller - Module >> ASP >> Register >> Cloud Node an entry will be made for this customer with code ASP-<customer number>
- Once the cloud node has finished setup, following will happen:
- Client will quit (on windows); on Mac users will face a small hang for 10 seconds
- On Cloud Controller - Module >> ASP >> Register >> Remote Cloud Server >> Customers Server will be created
- On customer server, the StandardERP executable will no longer be running but instead hansa-cloudnode executable will run.
Important points:
- Going forward customers should start/stop their server using MyStandard website
- Access to MyStandard website is not yet automated; customer should request access for one standard-id which is then set as Admin for their installation and can grant further access on MyStandard
- If they physically shutdown or re-start the server or they stop the software on their server for any reason then they should start hanse-cloud node executable. This is found inside the Cloud Node folder on the server (inside the Standard ERP server folder)