Database Damaged
Gastón Salomone

I recently migrated a client from versión 7.1 to SERP 8.3 2017-08-31 (build 83250901)

We do several tests during a long time and no error in customer code were found.
But once the client start using new versión with almost 10 users logged, a D4 error apperar and system hangs.

2018-11-26 09:33:26 /THREAD(13) FindSegment oldfirst incorrect 1
2018-11-26 09:33:26 /THREAD(13) ADVERTENCIA: La base de datos puede estar dañada. Si ha intentado realizar un backup normal sin éxito, le sugerimos crear y guardar una exportación de Datos Sin Procesar en el siguiente paso
2018-11-26 09:33:29 33MSC Login @
2018-11-26 09:33:38 /THREAD(13) GetThreadRepCancel() = true -- SendROData(): SendDataSV() Failed 2
2018-11-26 09:34:26 /THREAD(13) Level 1 processed -64.69 percent, found 43 996 records
2018-11-26 09:35:26 /THREAD(13) Level 1 processed -55.26 percent, found 43 998 records

After that another error appear related to one user

2018-11-26 09:47:58 21AGB/THREAD(14) FindSegment oldfirst incorrect 2
2018-11-26 09:47:58 21AGB/THREAD(14) Base de Datos Dañada: Strange D4SegmentGetSize non existing block
2018-11-26 09:47:58 21AGB/THREAD(14) D4BlockGetSize failed
2018-11-26 09:47:58 21AGB/THREAD(14) bln = CYBlock
2018-11-26 09:47:58 21AGB/THREAD(14) too large or too small malloc

Once this error happens, all system became unstable and, for example, all invoices shows incorrect amount of decimal digits.

After Expo/Impo process and one or two days after, same error ocurres.

Is this a Hal programming error (nothing on log file shows that), is this a Memmory problem, a Hard Disk problem, a Product bug.

I was not able to finde any message error on forum like this one.

I´m not able to discovery the reason of this error and database size is 16GB so customes is very angry because during test this not happens, and Expo/impo Procedure takes too long.


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