Re: Thread error
Lee D Papworth

I am really beyond desperate with this now. I am having to stop and restart SERP every evening just so my customer does not get this error/crash during the day.

So just to recap. I have basic web functions to assist my customer with picking and dispatch. I have a stlyesheet, a small javascript file and a company logo. They have a webshop licence but I have written these routines using global webpublic hal functions. Not had any issues with these functions in the last 2 years. Only since we upgraded in December 2021. Have similar functions at other customer sites that do not get this problem.

When I run this command "lsof -p serp_pid" after a restart of SERP I immediately can see a growing number of these entries when they start to use the web functions


This list of open files just continues to grow and grow and I believe this then causes the "out of file-descriptors" error and crashes SERP

Any ideas please?



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