SQL shadowing stopped
Aldevinas Katkus
We have a client with SQL shadowing and their shadowing has stopped recently. How can it happen that SQL server received wrong date?

2017-07-28 06:51:35 SYSTEM Atsijungti the client closed the connection (2)
2017-07-28 06:53:37 GALIN Failed executing prepared insert, rc: -1
2017-07-28 06:53:37 GALIN Failed executing prepared insert, vc: VIVc
2017-07-28 06:53:37 GALIN ODBC ERROR, SQLSTATE 22008 message '[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Datetime field overflow' NATIVE ERROR 0
2017-07-28 06:53:39 GALIN Disabling RDB interface due to previous errors
2017-07-28 06:53:39 GALIN Error building RDB Data

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