Hi Sanjay,
If you choose to update the server from MyStandard, then the server is updated.
Preparation part:
If customer have halcust, they should upload it in halcust folder following these steps:
1. Create "Halcust" folder locally and add hal files into it
2. Zipp it
3. Open MyStandard >> File Manager >> Upload File
4. Chose zipped folder from step 2
5. Once it is uploaded, in File Manager click on "Extract Archive" >> tick the zipped archive that should be unzipped >> and chose "Submit"
6. There is a "Halcust" folder among folders in File Manager and it has all hal files in it
If there are known issues, we are temporarily disabling that functionality. So, two scenarios:
1. There are issues, but they are not reported and not fixed >> functionality will be available on MyStandard and not work
2. There are issues, and they are known to development department >> functionality is disabled until fixed
Kind Regards
HansaWorld Team