Mobile Device Client with scanner
Nadezda Kuzmich
Please advice, we have the following requirements:

- Mobile device works with scanner
- Scanner operates like a normal keyboard

- HW Books client works on this device
- It is possible to install/compile halcust - hal customization on mobile client

Is there any good solution ?
Do you have tested experience ?

//Nadja 13.04.2017
I am not sure what you are asking here but I have tested SERP on panasonic's tablets that have built-in scanners and we are about to test on Zebra's units. We successfully compiled HAL on the panasonic units and do not anticipate issues with Zebra. Depending on the need you have a lot of options to choose from with Zebra. These unit are pricy however. TC56 is about 1500USD very rugged device and runs Android 5.1 and comes with scanner and wedges to move data from scan to your application.

I hope this helps.
Janne Karonsuo
Finland build (with help of Burti) a mobile app for ERP year ago with scanning. My first impression is to go on with some Anroid device, since HAL can be added to Android client without need for external software (when modified iOS client need to have Apple corporate licenses to run)
Aldevinas Katkus
Created byJanne Karonsuo10:07 11 May 2017
Finland build (with help of Burti) a mobile app for ERP year ago with scanning. My first impression is to go on with some Anroid device, since HAL can be added to Android client without need for external software (when modified iOS client need to have App
Is there a way to run Android client with hals? Currently it crashes with "internal function table full". Are there any tricks to not download all the hals to the android phone?
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