Re: Today Backup is not enough - Business Continuity is the standard.
Hi Jana, this is not what I am referring too. We have on premise installs that wish to do a disk image and today's business are using various appliances to achieve this. There is a standard that the Database must support in order for this to work. I am trying to figure it out and then approach HW to see if it is supported.

On the web I would like to know what can a client expect to get when hosted by HansaWorld. We really need to understand what a client get and what a client must pay extra for.

It is urgent the HansaWorld gets this message out in a consistent manner soon as customer are beginning to come to us for hosting and we are quoting them based on current pricelist but I cannot tell them what is included or not.

I will ask on Regional manager for this.

thanks for the feedback.

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