Records History

We have a problem:

Record history for all registers corrupted after update to 2018-05-14(1707) and repeated on version 2018-07-26

All field with types Date, longint, rows stp is changed to wrong values. Date field is absolutelly unreading.

This is very critical bug for our customers!

Steps to repeat:
1. Install Demo DB for UK lang SERP (login on AM login)
2. In Logging control (module technics) set Register "Invoices" (IVVc) and "Keep Original Record" to type option.
3. Restart SERP
4. Update several times any Invoice in Nominal Ledger module and check Record History. Look at No field, Invoice Data field
and matrixes
Giuseppe L.
Hello Vadym,
thank you for reaching out to us with this bug.
Can you please report it following the Support>Issue Tracking functionalities of this forum?
A member of our staff will verify it and escalate it to a Developer Manager to get it fixed.

Best regards,

HansaWorld Italy
Hello Guiseppe,

It was posted last week on Issue Tracking and PM was informed.

Giuseppe L.
Hi Vadym,
I've checked the status of your bug report and the development department is on it.
The local PM will keep you informed about the status.

Best Regard,
Thanks, Vadim. The bug has been verified. I will let you know about the progress.

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