Standard ERP 84 20180514 Hal Code

We are updating all our customers to Standard ERP 84 20180514, and need the Hal Source for this version.

I cannot find a down link on the Partner Portal, MyStandard or Standard Install.

Can someone please let us know how / where to get this source code.

Thanks in advance.

Paul Timms
I also need the latest HAL source. The links on are not working.
Be careful as the 8.4 20180514 release here in North America has broken Limited Access and a fix is not yet released. We have one client giving us the ringer over this and we still cannot help him. We just had him downgrade to 20180314 release as it works there but Neil is worried about if this will cause an issue coming from 20180514.

I am not too worried but we will find out...:-)
Kae Bohlin
We're looking into it.
It looks like a general issue with HAL source downloads - not just 8.4 2018-05-14.
I will update this thread when it's fixed.
Kae Bohlin
This issue is now fixed for all versions
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