Unable to login after importing Enterprise data
Paul Timms
I have imported Enterprise 6.3 data into SERP 8.4 2017-10-12, however I'm unable to log in using the Person code and password. The message "Incorrect username or password" appears. There is no option to specify a Standard ID because this has not been set yet. Is this a bug?

Giuseppe L.
Hello Paul,
I've tried many times by using different databases and sample data to repeat the issue but using my data I've been always able to log in using user's short signature and password.

I suspect there is something different in the databases that effects the issue you're experiencing.
Please report the bug, and attach sample data from 6.3 to repeat the bug.

Yours sincerely
HansaWorld Italy Support
Paul Timms
Thanks Giuseppe

I think I now understand the issue. I was testing two sets of data sent by a customer, where the e-mail on the Person card matched an e-mail that had already been registered as a Standard ID. It seems that it's no longer possible to log in with Person code and password if that user has a Standard ID which has been validated, is that correct?

Giuseppe L.
Unfortunately, your "debug" is not correct. Once you have registered and validated a user's StandardID you should be able to log in by both.
So there's must be something more. Anyway, I hope it's possible to login using the StandardID.

HansaWorld Support
Paul Timms
It's definitely the case that when you upgrade to 8.4, you cannot log in with the old Person/Global User code and password. But I think this has been reported as a bug.
Aldevinas Katkus
I faced with this too in 8.4 2017-10-12 (build 84190509). I imported customer's test DB and could not login.
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