Cannot login into CN and SERP singleuser Test database
Gastón Salomone

Yesterday at 23:00pm Argentina time (and last Sunday before), I tried to login into CloudNode and I was not able to do it with my working password. Today I can login without problem:

The real problem, is that yesterday I need to restart a customer server, apply some fixes and I was not able to do it. I wait almost 2 hours and cloudnode was not enable yet.

Also I was using some test database with SERP 8.4 2018-03-21 (build 84191515) and I cannot login into because working user and Password fails also.

In hansa.log there was several errors like this:
2019-03-25 00:50:45 HWBA Unable to establish connection to: error 10065
2019-03-25 00:50:45 HWBA Unable to establish connection to: error 10065
2019-03-25 00:50:52 HWBA Unable to establish connection to: error 10065
2019-03-25 00:50:52 HWBA Unable to establish connection to: error 10065
2019-03-25 00:51:12 HWBA Unable to establish connection to: error 10061
2019-03-25 00:51:22 HWBA Unable to establish connection to: timed out

I tried some telnet commmand from different networks, not only located in Argentina, and that server was down.

This means that If that server is down due manteinance users cannot login into their database ?
Why SERp is validating users against HW servers and not against the database ?
I tested also with SERP 8.4 2018-03-21 84191515 and some timeout errors appear in log but after a second or two users are able to login.

Is there any scheduled agenda of server mainteinance to tell the customer when they will be not able to use the system ?
New versions of SERP should not blocked users to login if one server is down ?

I have customers that use the system 24/7 so If HW is requiring to login using HW servers only, there must be some Load balance servers to avoid this trouble.


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