Upgrade using Cloud controller

We loaded the Cloud Controller on our private Linux server.

When we tried the upgrade (3 weeks ago) nothing happened. We reported the issue but Neil (tech who posted) never saw any response to his question so we just stopped checking after two weeks (still no comments to today).

Yesterday we came in and suddenly our server was upgraded. The posting had no response so we do not think anyone fixed anything but we clicked that button 3 weeks ago.

We now noticed that the External mail gateway was not upgraded by the controller and we are now fixing this manually.

Can anyone give insights to this experience we have had?

We were testing this as client in Ontario told us they tried it and it took 1 hour before the upgrade started so he was concerned.

Any insights will be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

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Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I will have a programmer answer this one, I do not have the full answer for this...
14:23 25 Jan 2025
Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I meant that file you were looking it, forgot the actual name sorry about that. But that file, if you change the IP to the correct one, does it then connect?...
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