Re: Procedure for export/import
Diana Klobukowska
Very important is to Stop the server before restoring to backup. So:
1. login to Mystandard portal
2. Choose server and Stop it (status will changed to Not running)
3. Choose List of Backups (window of Backup folder will open)

4. Choose backup/file you want to import in click on "Reset to backup" button (status will changed to Importing Backup)
5. After status is changed to Not running, you can Start the server (status will changed to Running)

HansaWorld Team
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Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I will have a programmer answer this one, I do not have the full answer for this...
14:23 25 Jan 2025
Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I meant that file you were looking it, forgot the actual name sorry about that. But that file, if you change the IP to the correct one, does it then connect?...
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