Re: Server overload issues
Mārcis Krūmiņš
Parts of today's log file

2019-11-15 10:19:54 (6) AG CallHal("EmailValidationStatusWithStdID")
2019-11-15 10:19:54 (6) AG CallHal("ValidateUserEmailAddressRemote")
2019-11-15 10:19:54 (6) AG CallHal("FindService")

2019-11-15 10:19:54 (6) AG ENABLER: get functionality SERVICE_HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK already resolved to 2
2019-11-15 10:19:54 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New in cache HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK
2019-11-15 10:19:54 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New resolved HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK to
2019-11-15 10:19:54 (6) AG sending sync vi_mpGetHWIDPassword3 no 17
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:55 (6) AG Login Failed AG
2019-11-15 10:19:56 (2) AUSRA CompareMatrix (vc name on next line) sizes differs arsz: 3216, h1: 4560, h2: 4560
2019-11-15 10:19:56 (2) AUSRA CompareField vc: QTVc field: Math differs, "" <> ""
2019-11-15 10:19:56 (2) AUSRA CompareMatrix (vc name on next line) sizes differs arsz: 3216, h1: 4560, h2: 4560
2019-11-15 10:19:58 (6) AG CallHal("EmailValidationStatusWithStdID")
2019-11-15 10:19:58 (6) AG CallHal("ValidateUserEmailAddressRemote")
2019-11-15 10:19:58 (6) AG CallHal("FindService")
2019-11-15 10:19:58 (6) AG ENABLER: get functionality SERVICE_HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK already resolved to 2
2019-11-15 10:19:58 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New in cache HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK
2019-11-15 10:19:58 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New resolved HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK to
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG sending sync vi_mpGetHWIDPassword3 no 17
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG slot 4242854: set usage to normal
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG Login @
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG Login Slot: 4242854 Session: -14
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG TIMINGS: blocking slow web-call (2) to took 0.4 seconds
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG dumping stack due to slow webcall

2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG --------------------------------------------------
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 0 0x000000014044F652 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 1 0x0000000140414991 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 2 0x00000001404155C4 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 3 0x0000000140415BB9 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 4 0x00000001403EE50B - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 5 0x00000001403C51FA - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 6 0x00000001403C7826 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 7 0x00000001403BFEFE - 0x0000000000000000

2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 8 0x00000001403C00DE - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 9 0x00000001403C0228 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 10 0x00000001403D6C26 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 11 0x00000001402A0530 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 12 0x00000001402AC30D - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 13 0x00000001402B4C68 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 14 0x00000001402BBFC9 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 15 0x00000001402BD5F9 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 16 0x00000001402BDF8A - 0x0000000000000000

2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 17 0x00000001402BE90C - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 18 0x0000000140453963 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 19 0x0000000140454AB0 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 20 0x0000000140455366 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 21 0x00007FF9AD963ED2 LsaFreeMemory - 0x00007FF9AD9639C0

2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 22 0x00007FF9AC8A84D4 BaseThreadInitThunk - 0x00007FF9AC8A84C0
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 23 0x00007FF9ADC5E8B1 RtlUserThreadStart - 0x00007FF9ADC5E890
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG --------------------------------------------------
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG dump of call stack
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 0000000004661246 + 5437 amainhal/LookupService53.hal: INTERNALSERVICEREQUESTSYNC
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 000000000468E14A + 34482 amainhal/HTSCCTools2.hal: SENDCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESS
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG 000000000DB60293 + 33263 halcust/level0/Tools\RemoteTools.hal: DOCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESSREMOTE
2019-11-15 10:19:59 (6) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 1632 ,execp->stackSz: 2016
2019-11-15 10:20:00 (6) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2016 ,execp->stackSz: 1632
2019-11-15 10:20:01 (6) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 1632 ,execp->stackSz: 2736
2019-11-15 10:20:01 (6) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2736 ,execp->stackSz: 2352
2019-11-15 10:20:05 (1) SJ CompareMatrix (vc name on next line) sizes differs arsz: 820, h1: 9728, h2: 1216

2019-11-15 10:20:05 (1) SJ CompareField vc: PUVc field: Math differs, "" <> ""
2019-11-15 10:20:05 (1) SJ CompareMatrix (vc name on next line) sizes differs arsz: 820, h1: 9728, h2: 1216

2019-11-15 10:20:10 (1) HTSCSGetEInvoiceStatusRemoveIdleTask: blocking removal of IdleTask.
2019-11-15 10:20:13 (2) AUSRA CompareMatrix (vc name on next line) sizes differs arsz: 3816, h1: 6272, h2: 5376
2019-11-15 10:20:13 (2) AUSRA CompareField vc: ORVc field: Math differs, "" <> ""
2019-11-15 10:20:13 (2) AUSRA CompareMatrix (vc name on next line) sizes differs arsz: 3816, h1: 6272, h2: 5376
2019-11-15 10:20:14 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 10:20:14 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 10:20:14 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 10:20:14 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 10:20:14 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 10:20:14 (1) Already registered


2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG CallHal("EmailValidationStatusWithStdID")
2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG CallHal("FindService")

2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG ENABLER: get functionality SERVICE_HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK already resolved to 2
2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New in cache HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK
2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New resolved HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK to
2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG sending sync vi_mpGetHWIDPassword3 no 15
2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG slot 4242852: set usage to normal

2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG Login @

2019-11-15 09:53:24 (1) AG Login Slot: 4242852 Session: -2
2019-11-15 09:53:25 (6) JH GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 1152 ,execp->stackSz: 2736
2019-11-15 09:53:25 (6) JH GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2736 ,execp->stackSz: 2352
2019-11-15 09:53:25 (6) JH GetTyps NotepadVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2352 ,execp->stackSz: 1632
2019-11-15 09:53:26 (2) RASA RecordCheckError, vc: POVc field: ShipDeal record 20191109 error: 1 text: ".Enter Ship Deal"

2019-11-15 09:53:27 (1) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 1632 ,execp->stackSz: 2736
2019-11-15 09:53:27 (1) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2736 ,execp->stackSz: 2352
2019-11-15 09:53:32 (1) CallHal("burti_TimedEvents")
2019-11-15 09:53:33 (4) GetTyps NotepadVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2352 ,execp->stackSz: 1680
2019-11-15 09:53:33 (4) GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 1680 ,execp->stackSz: 1632
2019-11-15 09:53:33 (4) StopSendingERecords(): rerror=Jūsu reģistrācija nesakrīt ar mūsu kontaktinformāciju, mēģiniet reģistrēties vēlreiz vai sazinieties ar HansaWorld biroju., errordesc=You need to specify customer code in Internet Enabler
2019-11-15 09:53:33 (4) Jūsu reģistrācija nesakrīt ar mūsu kontaktinformāciju, mēģiniet reģistrēties vēlreiz vai sazinieties ar HansaWorld biroju.You need to specify customer code in Internet Enabler
2019-11-15 09:53:47 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 09:53:47 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 09:53:47 (1) Already registered
2019-11-15 09:53:47 (1) Already registered


2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) slot 4243177: clear
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) slot 4243177: allocated

2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) slot 4243177: set usage to duringlogin
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) slot 4243177: set session to 362 from DoRegisterAtSV
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) Incoming Connection from:
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) AG CallHal("EmailValidationStatusWithStdID")
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) AG CallHal("ValidateUserEmailAddressRemote")
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) AG CallHal("FindService")
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) AG ENABLER: get functionality SERVICE_HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK already resolved to 2
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New in cache HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New resolved HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK to
2019-11-15 07:56:24 (6) AG sending sync vi_mpGetHWIDPassword3 no 1022

2019-11-15 07:56:25 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:25 (6) AG Login Failed AG

2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG CallHal("EmailValidationStatusWithStdID")
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG CallHal("ValidateUserEmailAddressRemote")

2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG CallHal("FindService")
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG ENABLER: get functionality SERVICE_HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK already resolved to 2
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New in cache HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG LOOKUP: FindService_New resolved HANSAWORLD_ID_CHECK to
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG sending sync vi_mpGetHWIDPassword3 no 1022
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:30 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG waiting for reply from server:
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG slot 4243177: set usage to normal

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG Login @
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG Login Slot: 4243177 Session: -14
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG TIMINGS: blocking slow web-call (2) to took 0.3 seconds
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG dumping stack due to slow webcall
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG --------------------------------------------------
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 0 0x000000014044F652 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 1 0x0000000140414991 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 2 0x00000001404155C4 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 3 0x0000000140415BB9 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 4 0x00000001403EE50B - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 5 0x00000001403C51FA - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 6 0x00000001403C7826 - 0x0000000000000000

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 7 0x00000001403BFEFE - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 8 0x00000001403C00DE - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 9 0x00000001403C0228 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 10 0x00000001403D6C26 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 11 0x00000001402A0530 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 12 0x00000001402AC30D - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 13 0x00000001402B4C68 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 14 0x00000001402BBFC9 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 15 0x00000001402BD5F9 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 16 0x00000001402BDF8A - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 17 0x00000001402BE90C - 0x0000000000000000

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 18 0x0000000140453963 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 19 0x0000000140454AB0 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 20 0x0000000140455366 - 0x0000000000000000
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 21 0x00007FF9AD963ED2 LsaFreeMemory - 0x00007FF9AD9639C0
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 22 0x00007FF9AC8A84D4 BaseThreadInitThunk - 0x00007FF9AC8A84C0
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 23 0x00007FF9ADC5E8B1 RtlUserThreadStart - 0x00007FF9ADC5E890
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG --------------------------------------------------

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG dump of call stack
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 0000000004661246 + 5437 amainhal/LookupService53.hal: INTERNALSERVICEREQUESTSYNC

2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 000000000468E14A + 34482 amainhal/HTSCCTools2.hal: SENDCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESS
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG 000000000DB40293 + 33263 halcust/level0/Tools\RemoteTools.hal: DOCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESSREMOTE
2019-11-15 07:56:31 (6) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 1680 ,execp->stackSz: 2016
2019-11-15 07:56:33 (6) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2016 ,execp->stackSz: 2736
2019-11-15 07:56:33 (6) AG GetTyps TXServiceReplyVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2736 ,execp->stackSz: 2352

2019-11-15 07:56:33 (6) AG GetTyps NotepadVc,gp->gOldStackSize: 2352 ,execp->stackSz: 1632
2019-11-15 07:56:35 (2) CallHal("CallTXIdleTasks")
2019-11-15 07:56:52 (2) Already registered
2019-11-15 07:56:52 (2) Already registered
2019-11-15 07:56:52 (2) Already registered
2019-11-15 07:56:52 (2) Already registered
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