Re: 8.3>>QT>>Auto deleting rows
Piotr Wycichowski
This functionality was used by one of our customer, very satisfied of this in version 8.4, because he was able to easy copy/paste item codes with quantities to the Sales order, and when the qty=0, the line was deleted.
Now, in version 8.5, this feature does not work, so the customer has to change their habits.
So, this depends on needs. Shouldn't be setting to switch this on or off?

Piotr Wycichowski
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Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I will have a programmer answer this one, I do not have the full answer for this...
14:23 25 Jan 2025
Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I meant that file you were looking it, forgot the actual name sorry about that. But that file, if you change the IP to the correct one, does it then connect?...
14:21 25 Jan 2025