Reconnect settings
Ele-Riin Raudsepp
Operating system: macOS
Question about new reconnect settings and logic behind it.

First we have module User Settings > Settings > Local Optional Features with 2 Reconnect options:
1) Reconnect
2) Reconnect (central override)

What is the difference between them? Where I could find explanation what does both option selections (System Default, Automatically, Never & Client Decides, Off, On) mean ?

Also there is another Reconnect setting in Optional Features with options Client Decides, Off and On.

How this setting is meant to work togerther with the one in module User setting'? If I have selected 'Client Decides' in Optional Features and also 'Client Desices' in User Settings, what should happen - where I can decide it?

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Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I will have a programmer answer this one, I do not have the full answer for this...
14:23 25 Jan 2025
Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I meant that file you were looking it, forgot the actual name sorry about that. But that file, if you change the IP to the correct one, does it then connect?...
14:21 25 Jan 2025