Re: VAT Submission
Anna Lasko
"Refreshing access token failed" error message it might be because you need to grant access to the app using their login details

maybe when trying to update you broke the link with HMRC UK gov

Available from:
Standard ERP 8.5 2018-11-23


Businesses with a taxable turnover that exceeds the VAT registration threshold (currently £85,000) need to submit their VAT return following the Making Tax Digital (MTD) criteria from April 2019. Please follow the steps below to link Standard ERP to your government gateway account and prepare your VAT Return to be submitted directly to HMRC.

To prepare your Standard ERP VAT report to ensure that the correct figures correspond to the correct boxes of the HMRC Vat Return:

1. Nominal Ledger >> Report Settings >> VAT Report >> flip B.
2. Add the corresponding box of the VAT return to the correct calculation in the VAT report.

In System>> Settings>> Company Info >> Reg tile, The VAT number must be entered correctly (i.e. GB xxx xxxx xx) in the VAT Reg. No. field.

To submit your VAT Return to HMRC, you need to grant access to allow the software to submit your VAT return on your behalf.
This access is granted for 18 months, after which you will need to grant the access again.

First allow access, through Access Groups, to a person or group of people who should be in charge of managing your VAT Submissions to HMRC.
In System >> Settings >>Access Groups >> Amend HMRC Access token with level Full.
This will allow a user to edit the Electronic VAT Declaration setting.

Nominal Ledger >> Electronic VAT Declaration setting
The Service mode should be set to Live.
If the Sender ID and Sender Key have not already been entered (Get these from who is managing the HMRC Developer Portal). This is referred to as the Client ID and Client Secret in the HMRC Developer portal.
1. Once you have your Sender ID and Sender Key entered, select the Operations Menu, then “Request Access Token”.
2. This will take you to the HMRC Government gateway webpage.
3. Select “Continue” on the “Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf” webpage.
4. Enter your Government Gateway user ID and password to log in to your Government Gateway account.
5. Select the “Grant Authority” button to allow your HansaWorld product to interact with HMRC on your behalf.
6. If all submitted information is correct, the authority will be granted. Copy the authorisation code and paste it into your HansaWorld product in the Authorisation Code field, found in the Electronic VAT Declaration setting of the Nominal Ledger.

7. After entering your Authorisation Code, Select “Save”.

You will then receive an Access Token and a Refresh Token. These should not be manually edited.

Now you can Submit your VAT return to HMRC.
1. Navigate to the Nominal Ledger >> VAT Report

2. Run the report for the period that you would like to submit your VAT return.
3. Select “Submit VAT declaration electronically”.

This will open a new record window called VAT Declaration. These records are saved in Nominal Ledger, Settings, VAT Declaration.

4. Select the “OK” checkbox, then “Save”.
5. Open the Operations Menu and select “Submit VAT Report”.
This will send the VAT return to HMRC. You will be notified by a window that the VAT report was successfully submitted. If not, please ensure that you have all the correct settings as described above.

After Ok'ing this window you will see, on the VAT Declaration record window, the “FormBundleNumber” and the “Timestamp” have been entered, and the Fulfilled checkbox is checked. This is to notify you that your VAT return has been successfully sent to HMRC.

To view all previously submitted VAT returns, they can be viewed in the Nominal Ledger Settings >> Vat Declarations.
You can see for which date the VAT return was submitted as well as whether it was Fulfilled (Successfully received by HMRC).

If a correction needs to be made to a previously submitted VAT return, the amounts should be included in your next VAT submission.

Link to HMRC VAT Notice 700/22: Making Tax digital for VAT
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