Database Size and Expo/Impo Procedure processing time
Gastón Salomone
Operating system: macOS
A customer has a database about aprox. 77Gbytes. This customer was recently migrated from an old version of Hansa (Enterprise 7.2). Expo/Impo procedure last at least 3Hrs to create a complete database text backup and 36 hours to import.

Most of the time, both process (Exp/Imp), takes all the time working with Sales Invoices record. After enabling verbosity=verbose parameters, hansa log shows that 90% of the time, is importing Sales Invoices records. This customer creates like 700 to 1.000 invoices per day.
It´s very important to reduce Exp/Imp time drastically, to avoid any problem with the database to take 2 days at least to be solved or to process any change that require that standard process. I have another customer with 500 sales invoices per day with a 20Gb bigger database that takes 11 hrs to do same process.

So the questions are:
1)    Why Standard ERP takes so much time to export and Import that register
2)    What can be done, not only to reduce database size, but primary to reduce processing time.
3)    Is there any hal function or process that can be avoided on import procedure to speed up this process, maybe some invoices feature that is validated but this customer is not using ?

I´ve done several tests, without any mayor difference in time consumed:
A)    Run Exp/Imp without customized hal
B)    Disable almost all standard indexes for Invoices records
C)    Skip Record History data, this option reduced database size like 25Gb but import size was likely same to no do it.
D)    Disable Hal function IVVcRecordImportAfter

This customer wants to do some customizations and integrations but It takes to much time to modify database, Test any changes, to implement something in test and production environment, minimizing errors or modifications, to less than zero is a complex task.

Customer is asking for a solution to continue. Last time Its took 3 working days without system to migrate system, and because server hangs at 85.02% of the process, so to start over again whats needed.
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