Today I discovered that almost all of my emails have been deleted by SERP.
Removing myself from an email where I am the only recipient and expecting that the email to be kept never happened. eMails are no longer attached to the activity (still there) we are using to capture them and is not reliable. Maybe it's setting.
SERP has so many bugs in the email system that it is not worth advertising that you support email. I think we have reported bugs in eMail for 4 years now and none have been addressed. Even the question on what you expect a customer to do with your ".bin" files have gone unanswered. Is it that your team just have no clue what you are doing when it comes to email and understanding how companies use email?
When will Hansaworld actually fix this email system and not just be satisfied that your emails work internally?
Rhetorical question: I have switched to Outlook!! We need software a company can rely on.
Wayne Dinzey
Wasting my time sell HW's email system