Re: does skype 7.36 works with SERP
Erik Munoz
Hello Aldevinas,

We do not have any report where the integration with Skype 7.36 did not work.

As Martins mentioned before, please verify that Manage API clients has the permission that allows HW to use Skype, if it is empty then most likely the Skype API Security window was never displayed, meaning that HW was not approved to use Skype.

Please try:

1) Checking Module: User Settings>>Settings: Local Machine>>Integrations>>Connect to Skype = Yes
2) Checking Module: User Settings>>Settings: Local Machine>>Integrations>>Preferred Calling Method = Skype
3) Restart the app
4) log in
5) The Skype API Security window should be visible

Of course other option is just to update you Skype version
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