Aldevinas Katkus
Operating system: Windows
v. 8.5 2023-03-16 (build 85550006)
Our own DB. Windows client, linux server.
CLient semi-freezes, had to kill it via task manager.
Why the client starts "Looking up cloud server"?
We have our own VPS.
Month ago happened the same.
2023-08-09 17:08:03 AK re-connect opening connection
2023-08-09 17:08:04 AK Looking up cloud server 194B25F8-4BF35D6F-45D8E54E-0640CA1F-C1C174A6 using hosting centre HansaWorld Europa
2023-08-09 17:08:04 AK DoFindCloudServer(194B25F8-4BF35D6F-45D8E54E-0640CA1F-C1C174A6) attempt 1
2023-08-09 17:08:04 AK service call: CloudControllerFindServer to: CLOUDCONTROLLER_FINDSERVER failed with: communications error
2023-08-09 17:08:04 AK DoFindCloudServer(194B25F8-4BF35D6F-45D8E54E-0640CA1F-C1C174A6) communications error
2023-08-09 17:08:04 AK re-connect opening connection