Re: Re: Client Hansa.HDB
Hi there,

We have a customer on version 2021-04-21.

Despite renaming the local client HDB file and re-connecting to the server, after several logins, the HDB file grows in size almost doubling in some cases after the user has been logged in for a period of exactly 5 minutes. It stays the same size until they login again and then, 5 minutes after logging in, it increases in size again.

We have found that the installations that have a growing client HDB file have "Using LRU Replacement" in the client log file when the client starts up. Installations that don't have the client HDB file increasing in size have "Using Clock Replacement" when SERP starts up. However, the installations that don’t have the HDB file increase in size do eventually start to increase in size and then it doesn’t stop until we rename the HDB file – The HDB file will continue to grow once it’s started – always the same pattern, 5 minutes after login, we’ve had instances where the local HDB file is getting to over 1GB in size which makes the SERP system unusable as it’s so slow

From the log file, it sounds like the growing client HDB file is some sort of caching issue connected with the "UpdateUniversityCache" line and "LRU Replacement" in the client log file. This didn’t happen on the same version in 2023.

Can you tell me how to resolve this once and for all please? i.e. not a temporary fix of renaming the HDB file.

In my mind, options might be:

1. Force the client to be using "Clock Replacement" as apposed to "LRU Replacement"
2. or Turn off the University Cache

3. or both


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