Re: LIT sample data improvements
Pijus Juodis
From 8.5 2019.06.12


1. Webshop:
    1. Web Shop>>Settings>>Merchant ID - setup for making test Paysera payments
    2. Web Shop and CMS>>Registers>>Structure>>Shop structure has enabled statistics, they show up in Statistics register and Web Statistics report
    3. Web Shop and CMS>>Settings>>Languages on Web>>ENG was added
    4. Web Shop and CMS>>Settings>>Display on the Web>>Has 2 categories now with different setup
    5. Web Shop and CMS>>Registers>>Translations>>Has Translations for ENG
2. Rest API:
    1. Technics>>Registers>>Program Mode>>Web>>Use HTTPS is enabled
    2. System>>Access Groups>>ADMIN access group has Rest API enabled
    3. System>>Settings>>Optional Features>>Rest API and Basic HTTP authorisation is enabled

- Import LTU-Sample.txt to server
- Start server
- In terminal enter request: curl -X GET 'http://SJ:@localhost:8033/api/1/INVc' to get Items with basic HTTP authorisation
- To test OAuth 2.0:
- System>>Persons>>Setup a valid StandardID for SJ person
- Test with any platform for OAuth 2.0 testing (e.g.: Google's Developers Playground)

- Setup OAuth based on the training material/webinar
- Login with your StandardID and make requests in the same format, without putting User and Password into request
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