Lee D Papworth
Seems my original post has been deleted. So I am posting again and would appreciate some technical advice. (Please do not delete my post)

Erik suggested in a Skype chat with a colleague several weeks ago that we look at using NewPeriodicTask2 rather than the Background Hal routine in Timed Operations.

I cannot get NewPeriodTask2 to work but NewPeriodicTask works but I have several questions.

1) What is the difference between NewPeriodicTask and NewPeriodTask2?
2) In standalone mode running Single User Server I can use these commands ChangeTaskTiming, RemoveTask, TaskExists However in normal client server mode these do not work for me. It is as though it cannot find the task. I use the TaskExists command to check if active before issuing ChangeTaskTiming. Any ideas why these command wouldn't be working in server mode?

For reference I include below the hal code I have for application startup.

external updating function SDProcessUserXml(string);
external updating function SDProcessOrderXml(string);

updating procedure OnApplicationStartupComplete()

record SDTradeITBlock SDTBr;

if (ServerMode or SingleUserMode) then begin
if (SDTBr.UserImportSeconds >0) then begin
NewPeriodicTask("SDProcessUserXml","Auto Import Users","SDProcessUserXml","Auto",SDTBr.UserImportSeconds,"");
Logtext(0,"Starting Timed Task - Auto Import Users");
if (SDTBr.OrderImportSeconds >0) then begin
NewPeriodicTask("SDProcessOrderXml","Auto Import Order","SDProcessOrderXml","Auto",SDTBr.OrderImportSeconds,"");
Logtext(0,"Starting Timed Task - Auto Import Orders");

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