Access Rights - Read for GRN Record Not Updating
SoftIQ Technologies Ltd.
My client is trying to achieve a scenario where a certain User can OK a GRN but not be able to create a new GRN. I have tried to achieve this by using Access Rights Register Goods Receipts - Read which is working ok as User is not able to create a new GRN but when trying to Ok GRN nothing happens.

In the PUVcRecAction.hal I have put the following code. Where could I be going wrong?

if (transf) then begin
if (UserCanAction("PUOK",true)==false) and (Accessrw.AccLevel!=kAccessLevelReadOnly == true) then begin //JNM - Added - 2017-03-20 --- Cust.

res = -1;
goto L99PUVcRecordCheck;

Is there somewhere kAccessLevelReadOnly disables updating the Record?

/John Maina [2017/03/29 17:00 PM]
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Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I will have a programmer answer this one, I do not have the full answer for this...
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