Aldevinas Katkus
Client ,migrated from 8.3 2017-02-12 to to the 8.3 2017-04-26 and it started to crash the client in the client -server mode. Is there something specific to this release. I cannot find differences in the source.

2017-08-10 16:46:08 8.3 2017-04-26 (build 83250600)

2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG runtime error, hal stack is:HAL routine not found: GETONACCBALANCE
2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG dump of call stack
2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG call stack entry: halcust\level0\CUVcWActionTool.hal: GETFINDCUSTBALANCE
2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG call stack entry: halcust\level0\CUVcWActionTool.hal: GETFINDCUSTBALANCE
2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG call stack entry: halcust\level0\CUVcWActionTool.hal: GETCUSTANDBAL2
2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG call stack entry: halcust\level0\CUVcWActionTool.hal: GETCUSTANDBAL
2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG call stack entry: halcust\level0\QTVcWAction.hal: QTDCLASSCUSTCODEBALANCE
2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG call stack entry: halcust\level0\QTVcWAction.hal: QTDCLASSCUSTCODEEFAFTER

2017-08-10 16:48:14 TG call stack entry: halcust\level0\QTVcWAction.hal: QTDCLASSAFTEREDITFIELD

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