REST API - refresh token instructions
Paul Timms
Operating system: macOS
It seems that the technical white paper on REST API is missing a section on how to use the refresh token. Could you please confirm that the following is correct? It's based on a section of the white paper. with my amendments.

To refresh the access token using the refresh token:
- application has to make a call to with the following POST parameters:
- client_id = Client ID from Developer Credentials in MyStandard
- client_secret = Client Secret from Developer Credentials in MyStandard
- redirect_uri = Application's URL that will handle the callback from StandardID that will contain the token
- refresh_token = Refresh token received when the access token was first received (after manually logging in)
- grant_type = must be "refresh_token"


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Piotr Wycichowski
This is not the issue of upgrade SERP. But serverip.dat in this case contains the value:, so this is local IP of the server with SERP. Anyway I don't understand what do you me...
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reply ...
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