New Lead registration
Ivo Aare

At the moment when you registered new lead you have only one opportunity "remove".

But maybe on future can add opportunity "Edit" lead.

Because today I have situation when I create new lead and in field "Lead Value"

I entered 588.68 after lead registration finished in leads list shows value 58868.00!

So I had no opportunity to correct this lead so I remove it.

After that when I start create new lead I have problem registered lead because I received

Error "Lead with this number already exist", so I need to correct Company VAT number.

Best regards


Martins Ebersteins
I agree. It should be possible to update information about lead - it is normal that initially not everything is known about the customer or that the requirements change during the sales / negotiation process.
Should be also possible to add status notes.
Should be also possible to put the lead "on ice". It is often that the lead decides to postpone negotiations for half a year or similar...
Elar Tammeraja
We are aware of the issue of editing existing leads in Partner Portal and I expect this to be resolved in near future
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