rebuilding DB via mystandard fails
Aldevinas Katkus
On premises installation (Windows). server version 8.4 2017-11-25 (build 84190914)
"Rebuild database" fails with an error message "configuration error" shown in the mystandard.
I can see backup succeeds, LCSEXPIMP.TXT is created, HANSA.HDB is renamed to HANSA.HDB-20181011. Rebuilding fails at import stage.
CN log:
2018-10-11 11:54:49 Couldn't launch process E:\Standard ERP Server\cloudnode\/hansa-windows-optimized-server64.exe, errno:2, message: The system cannot find the file specified.

2018-10-11 11:54:49 "E:\Standard ERP Server\cloudnode\\hansa-windows-optimized-server64.exe" --workdir "E:\Standard ERP Server" --hobfolder "/hob/" --exit-after-import --disable-sip LCSEXPIMP.TXT

That is true - hansa-windows-optimized-server64.exe doesn't exist there.

I noticed in the last versions of CN, CN runs executables from its own folder, that could be related.

Any ideas?
Paul Timms
Not sure if it's related but I have recently tried to rebuild a database for a customer, and also another customer hosted with us tried to rebuild their database, using My Standard, and the process stopped at the same point as you describe. However, these were both on Linux servers. I had to manually import the LCSEXPIMP.TXT file for them.
Tomas J.

thanks for notice, we found out, and it is reported as a bug already.

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