NL->Settings->Rate Gains / Losses setting
Martins Ebersteins
Would it be possible to get some information about NL -> Settings -> Rate Gains / Losses setting and how / why it is used?
I know how to use the rate gain/loss maintenance, but HansaManuals describe only the Rate Gain/Loss setting, but not the Rate Gains/Losses...
David Delač
Hello Martins,

Thank you for your enquiry. The reason why Rate Gains / Losses setting is not in the HansaManuals is because it contains a lot of bugs that need to be fixed. If there is a record in the Rate Gains / Losses setting, then the maintenance will use that setting, if the Rate Gains / Losses setting is empty, the maintenance will use the Rate Gain / Loss setting.

if you need more information on this please let me know.

Best Regards,
David D.
HansaWorld Support
Martins Ebersteins
Hi, David,

Thanks a lot. Got the idea. I am asking because for our customer it is important to have a solution for currency balance reevaluation in cases when there are multiple currencies in one account.
Currently, according to hansamanuals, the Rate Gain/Loss maintenance works ONLY for currency accounts.
Meanwhile the customer wants to use the function where multiple currencies are used (e.g. debtors, creditors etc.).
Do we have a solution for that?
David Delač
Hello Martins,

I have tried to get some information from other people but unfortunately it seems like we don't have a solution for that yet.

If I can help you with anything else please let me know.

Best Regards,
David D.
HansaWorld Support
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