Register Observations
Vaughan Data Systems
I'm trying to set-up a register observation that emails whenever a planned delivery date has changed.

I have tried various different settings, but it never works quite how I want it.

The closest I've gotten is this:

Line 1: Type: Watch Field : PlanShipDate
Line 2: Type: Equals Field: OrderType Parameter 1: Normal

This works but it emails whenever an order planned delivery date has been entered (i.e. from no planned delivery date to 23/04/2019)

I want it to only email when a planned delivery date has been changed. Is this possible?
Giuseppe L.
and thanks for reaching out to us with this question.
I tried to replicate your setting in our last 8.5 and it seems I got some differences in the fields.
I'd like you to specify the version you are using.
My first advise is to try this additions:

Register: Deliveries
Action: e-mail
Target: e-mail address
Type: Watch Field:Ship Date
Type: In Range Field: ShipDate Parameter1: 2019-01-01 Paramenter 2:2019-31-12

Please let me know if this gave any hint

Best regards,

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