Stock Movement>Can't create partial movement for a Batch item
Katrīne Žunna-Veličko

In 8.1 version customer created partial Stock Movements for one batch with R.Extra Costs specified.
Now in 8.5 version it doesn't allow to do that. System requires full Batch movement.

What i mean:
* In Location A i have Item (qty 10) with batch number 123.
* I need to move 5 of these items to Location B.
* In stock movement i add extra costs.
* When i try to tick Received i get message "Incorrect value" and cursor goes to "Rcvd. Qty".

Is this a bug or there is reason for this restriction?

Thank You!

Dejan R.
Hello Katrine and thank you for reported issue.

The issue is not the received quantity, but its the Extra cost. When there is a batch number 123, it is a limitation that we cannot have qty 5 with cost x and qty 5 with cost y.

Do you maybe have ticked "Cost price for serial number" on item record, Item group or setting Cost accounting?
Katrīne Žunna-Veličko

Yes, there is ticked "Cost price for serial number".

How then previously Serial Number costs were calculated, because in older versions you could do partial stock movements with extra cost?
Weight average per serial numbers?
Dejan R.
Hi Katrine,

Is it possible tofind out in which older version, so i can take a look?

Martin A.
Closing this treat since no reply.

Martin Arnbom
Katrīne Žunna-Veličko
Created byDejan R.10:27 22 May 2019
Hi Katrine, Is it possible tofind out in which older version, so i can take a look? Regards

Previous version was 8.1 2015-12-15.

In the newest 8.5 version if i specify each package different serial number but then try to move these packages (full qty of each serial no.), system still doesn't allow to do that.
We found a bug in the Stock Movements qty counting.
Swati D.
Hi Katrine

Do you need this question answered still?

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