Create email from invoice/quotation does not attach PDF
Aldevinas Katkus
Operating system: Windows
We have a client where PDFs are not attached to the email when creating emails from invoices and quotations. There is only a text, but PDF is missing in the paperclip and that X icon thing.
Print preview and printing the same invoice/quotation works.
Another interesting behaviour: every second (or so) time we create an email from the invoice via Invoice Create menu, the email created is with status "new", not "inspect" as it should be.

Client had version 8.5 2021-08-28, we upgraded to 8.5 2023-02-08, but it didn't help.
What else to do?

Aldevinas Katkus
P.S.: there are no hals there.
Aldevinas Katkus
For some unknown reason the generated PDF file name has non-lithuanian characters. It is "Faktûra 20230463.pdf", while it should be "Faktūra 20230463.pdf" (the different "ū" character).
I remember we had the same problem when tried to modify CreateMailFromIVD() with HAL for another client. Solution was to not use national characters in the file name. There were no problems then until we used hal. But in this case there is no hal.
Hi Aldevinas,

Thanks for reaching out!

Have you tested if this is repeatable in demo data? If it is, we kindly ask you to report a bug, so we can verify and fix the issue.

Best Regards
Aldevinas Katkus
I cannot test it with demo data, because demo does not have a valid enabler.
I tried to create a test file with hal, but the file name with demo data is correct:

updating procedure OnApplicationStartupComplete()

CreateFile("tmp/" & USetStr(1808) & ".txt");
Aldevinas Katkus
Another client experienced this. It is hosted on HansaWorld cloud.
Invoice>>create email resulted in wrong chars in the file name, Sàskaita 20230095.pdf instead of Sąskaita 20230095.pdf

Note the second letter is different.
version 8.5 2022-04-16 (85430339).
Aldevinas Katkus
I have set "Language for non-Unicode programs" in Windows Regional settings to Lithuanian and this fixed the issue. Anyway, I guess this is a bug.
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