Periodic Customer Statement
Operating system: Windows
When I try running the periodic customer statements(bulk) for customers with debts, it shows duplicating values for different customers. However when I run individual customer statements it shows correct values for each one. Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you for reaching out!

We did testing in sample data in current released version 2024-03-16. This is not repeatable with this combination. We recommend you to report this as a bug with exact steps, so that we can investigate and fix the issue.

Best Regards,
Aldevinas Katkus
I confirm v. 2024-03-16 has issues. v. 2024-12-03 also had the same issue, but "less expressed".
Created byAldevinas Katkus11:13 2 May 2024
I confirm v. 2024-03-16 has issues. v. 2024-12-03 also had the same issue, but "less expressed".

Kindly please report the bug so that we can further investigate and resolve it.
Thank you.

Best regards,
Aldevinas Katkus
It is reported SL>>Reports>>Periodic customer statement (overview) "net change" wrong
Date 26-10-2023
Created byAldevinas Katkus07:26 9 May 2024
It is reported SL>>Reports>>Periodic customer statement (overview) "net change" wrong Date 26-10-2023

Bug has been verified and assigned to a programmer. We will push to be done as soon as possible.
Thank you.

Best regards,
Aldevinas Katkus
Created by15:48 9 May 2024
Hello, Bug has been verified and assigned to a programmer. We will push to be done as soon as possible. Thank you. Best regards, Benjamin
Actually a new version of this bug is SL>>Reports>>Periodic customer statement "accumulates" amounts
Not sure why it was duplicated, I clicked "submit"only once.
Yavuz Yigiterhan
Created byAldevinas Katkus08:09 10 May 2024
Actually a new version of this bug is SL>>Reports>>Periodic customer statement "accumulates" amounts Not sure why it was duplicated, I clicked "submit"only once.
Hello. this is approved and in PM review for development, we will update you.
Yavuz Yigiterhan
Created byAldevinas Katkus08:09 10 May 2024
Actually a new version of this bug is SL>>Reports>>Periodic customer statement "accumulates" amounts Not sure why it was duplicated, I clicked "submit"only once.
Hello. this is approved and in PM review for development, we will update you.
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