Installing a second demo copy on a windows machine
Sanjay Parbhoo

As a partner you end up installing various versions of SERP on your machine.

At the moment, you get a message saying you have insufficient privileges if you attempt to install second instance of SERP server.

Firstly, the message is incorrect.

Secondly, is there a workaround to allow you to install the second service without uninstalling the previous version.

/Sanjay Parbhoo [2017/06/16 13:05 PM]
Dejan R.
Hello Sanjay,

I am guessing you are having isuess on Windows OS?

When you are installing second server, please install it in different folder then suggested one. So instead of:
C:\Program Files...\HansaWorld\.... create new folder C:\Program Files...\HansaWorld\New...
Sanjay Parbhoo
Hi Dejan

Changing the path does not make any difference.

/Sanjay Parbhoo [2017/06/21 14:30 PM]
Dejan R.
Hi Sanjay,

Thank you for testing. Can you please write down stepst so i can repeat the issue.
Dejan R.
Today we had similar issue with customer server on Windows 2016, NET Framework 4.7.02053. Partner tried to install second service and during the instalation process they got error message:
Service 'Standard ERP (64-bit)' (UUID) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

They removed existing service from list of services and run instalation again.
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