restapi v1: field not found
Aldevinas Katkus
I am trying to use rest api v1 and see the errors in the hansa.log file, though it works.
Is it dangerous:
2017-09-12 15:29:25 /THREAD(15) F3Get fieldname not found
2017-09-12 15:29:25 /THREAD(15) dump of call stack
2017-09-12 15:29:25 /THREAD(15) call stack entry: amainhal/WebDataAPI.hal: DOEXP
Hello Aldevinas,

It is not dangerous and you can ignore those lines.
We have 8.4 with rest api v2, and we will not fix v1 any more.
Aldevinas Katkus
Created byBjanka08:53 21 Sep 2017
Hello Aldevinas, It is not dangerous and you can ignore those lines. We have 8.4 with rest api v2, and we will not fix v1 any more.
actually if I try to send a wrong query http://localhost:1080/api/v1/?register=CUVc to rest api v2 on version 8.4, it tries v1 I guess:
2017-09-26 09:12:47 AD F3Get fieldname not found
2017-09-26 09:12:47 AD dump of call stack
2017-09-26 09:12:47 AD call stack entry: amainhal/WebDataAPI.hal: DOEXPORT_CUVC
2017-09-26 09:12:47 AD call stack entry: amainhal/WebDataAPI.hal: WEBDATAAPI

and crashes single user server.
This http://localhost:1080/api/lets_crash_this_server query also crashes the single user server 8.4 2017-09-14 (build 84190303)

I have already reported the issue.

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