SQL Shadowing with cloud node
Lee D Papworth

I have configured ODBC under Linux CENTOS 7 with StandardERP 8.5 build 85290119

Cloud node runs its' own executable file from inside the versions folder


How can I get cloud node to execute the StandardERPServer64-RDB so I can connect to my SQL database?



David Delač
Hello Lee,

Easy way to do it is to rename the hansa-debug-optimized-server64 executable to hansa-debug-optimized-server64_original, and then rename StandardERPServer64-RDB to hansa-debug-optimized-server64.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!

Best regards,
HansaWorld Support
Lee D Papworth
Hi David,

I did try that but got a configuration error when I restarted Hansa.

I will try again and feed back

Thanks for replying

Lee D Papworth

there is no StandardERPServer64-RDB in the versions folder in cloudnode so I take the StandardERPServer64-RDB from the installation build and do as you instructed.

When I start StandardERP in MyStandard I get a configuration error.

The optimized files are massive in size compared to the StandardERPServer64-RDB I am copying in.

Any more thoughts please?


Lee D Papworth
I now have this working
David Delač
Hello Lee,

Sorry for a late response. I'm glad you managed to resolve the problem, could you share your solution so that other people with similar issue can repeat your steps?

Thank you and have a great day!

Best regards,
HansaWorld Support
Paul Timms
In general, it should be possible for cloud node to be configured to run the RDB version of Standard ERP, on any server OS. Should this be registered as a wish or a bug?
Martin A.
Hi Paul,

Please report a bug.

Thanks and regards,
Martin Arnbom
Paul Timms
Thanks Martin, I've reported.
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