Rest API, updates_after
Ibrahim Bashir
Operating system: Windows
I am trying to use updates_after within the API but the call retrieves nothing even though I updated the data after the previous call.

do I need to any specific configuration to this working?

Version 8.5 2020-12-06

Simone M.
Hi Ibrahim,
when using updates_after, are you passing a correct number as a parameter as well?

"updates_after" Returns all records that were saved or updated after a given sequence number.
The sequence number is returned in the tag in each response and can be saved for later use with updates_after.

Example port/api/1/IVVc?updates_after=5000
Returns all Invoices with sequence numbers greater than 5000, listed in sequence number order (i.e. in the order in which they were last saved).
Ibrahim Bashir
Hi Simone,

it is working now, thank you.
I remember I used the sequense number but I might did a typing mistake.

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