Blank pages on MyStandard
Vaughan Data Systems
Operating system: Windows
For the past few weeks, clicking links in MyStandard (e.g. invoices) takes me to a page on the Hansaworld site with no info as if I'm not logged in.

If I go back to the previous page and then click again, it does work.

I've confirmed this with other people on multiple different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and they get the same issue.

Anna Lasko

We are looking into this issue, will report back soon

Kind regards,
Katrin Veskimäe

Thank for notifying us! Please report this as a bug in Issue tracking and we'll try to repeat it.


Vaughan Data Systems
Created byKatrin Veskimäe13:13 20 Jun 2021
Hello! Thank for notifying us! Please report this as a bug in Issue tracking and we'll try to repeat it. Greetings, Katrin
Have logged as: MyStandard > Blank pages when clicking links

It should be easy to repeat on a Windows PC. I have it happen whenever I log in.
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