Mails not being Sent
Reino Botha
Operating system: macOS
Good day,
Upgraded customer to 8.5 2021-07-30

When I Create a new email, Save it. Operations Send Email.
The email does not appear in the mail que. Doesn't get sent.

Paul Timms
Hi Reino. Check in Email and Conferences > Settings > Mail and Conference Settings. If you are set up as the Postmaster, you will not be able to send external mail. If you are not, then there must be some other reason.

By the way, in that same setting is a box you can tick, called "Lock and Send emails Automatically". This means that when you tick Sent in a mail record, then on saving it, it will automatically lock and send it to the queue.
Bror-Erik Kotiranta
Reino - Pauls message is correct, but, if the problem still persists that
a) you are not postmaster
b) and when you ok save it does not go through

-> please file a bugreport and we will take a look at it
Reino Botha
In Latest Version all is good. All staff can Mail again.
Must have been a version thing?
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