Client Automatic Update Error if Encryption key exists
Operating system: macOS
If new client try to connect to server that has encryption key and not entered this string (because no one remember that key exists) SERP show message that New version is available and Updating is necesary. No way to skip this and connection can't be proceeded.

Server's logs tell nothing.
Client's log nothing too.

I spent whole day to find why client can't connect to server.And this error was absolutely confusing.

How to repeat: (last repeated on 8.5 2022-03-03 (build 85421437) UK)

1. Setup server with demo company
2. Normally connect to this server.
3. In admin mode set Encryption Key to company. Any string.

4. Restart server.
5. Try to connect to server again - get Updating message
6. Delete client's HANSA.HDB
7. Try to connect to server only with IP/Port - get Updating message

Hi, Vadym,

Could you report this as a bug, so I could investigate, try to repeat and fix that the log file would display correct messages?
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