Reset Password email not coming through
Vaughan Data Systems
Operating system: Windows
We have a customer whose reset password email is not being received.

I can see multiple reset requests against this email address, but the email never reaches out spam filter so it doesn't appear like it's actually being sent out.

We have even whitelisted and that changes nothing.

The user must have gotten the initial validation email, so I don't see any reason why they should not receive the reset password email.

Other users for the same customer can receive reset password emails fine. It's just this one email address that is the issue.

Please can someone contact me about what the process is when a user wants to reset their password but cannot receive the email required to do so?

Arzu Erdogdu

Can you please send me the email address?
Brittany McGrath
Hi there,
Could you please confirm if this is still an issue?
If so, could you please provide the email address for further investigation.
Thank you.
Brittany McGrath
Hello, we have not heard if issue still persists so we will close this post now.
If issue is still occurring, please contact us again with further information so we can investigate.
Thank you.
Vaughan Data Systems
Hi Brittany, it is still an issue. Had it with multiple customers now.

Also the validation link that gets sent shows as insecure because the HTTPs certificate has not been updated
Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I checked and didnt see invalid certs
We are in process of updating this stdid server

We have done some updates on our side. Could you please confirm if this is still valid?

If so, could you please provide the email address for further investigation.

Thank you!
Vaughan Data Systems
Still have issues with this.

We will try setting up a test email to use for this since we cannot wait around with the customer addresses that are not working.
Has this now been resolved?
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Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I will have a programmer answer this one, I do not have the full answer for this...
14:23 25 Jan 2025
Bror-Erik Kotiranta
I meant that file you were looking it, forgot the actual name sorry about that. But that file, if you change the IP to the correct one, does it then connect?...
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