Idle user logoff problem
Operating system: macOS
Version: 2024-03-16
Server: Linux
Client: MacOS Sonoma

I am seeing multiple users in different locations getting logged off many times per day when idle sometimes after a few minutes of being away. It doesn't happen when they are working which combined with the log message makes me think it is related to idle timeout.
They come back to SERP being frozen or reconnecting and usually have to force quit and re-login which is annoying of course.

Message in the log:

(1) SYSTEM Logoff idle user: USER from:

Idle client timeout is set to blank in the optional features

I have tried to duplicate the issue myself with a Windows & MacOS Ventura machine and am unable to.

Is there some other setting that might control this?
Carolina Valentino
Hi Neil, Update to latest version should help - lots of fixes were done.

Please wait for new release to be released, though - fixes will be there

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