Optional Features >> Disable sessions for web api
Gastón Salomone
Operating system: macOS

I cannot find any information on about this feature on hansamanual.

That is the purpose, is it working, how it works or how must be configured to work ?

For REST API many web request per second could occure, if customer database has reach the limit of logged users using client Software for a moment, all web requests, including RESTAPI fail with unauthorized access using Basic authentication. User and password provided is OK but as soon any user logout web request works perfectly.

All web request require user space to login and read data ?
It there any way to configure SERP just to validate login information, but not consume a user session ? At least for reading data.

How someone could help me with information on this matter.

Carolina Valentino
Thanks Gaston, someone of the team ll answer you

What is the user type you are using for API calls? Is it concurrent?
Gastón Salomone

These are the specs:

SERP version is 8.5 2024-04-17 (build 85554577)
2 concurrent users, No Nomminal users in contract
3 concurrent users created in DB, 1 for using throught REST API

Only User1 connect, RESTAPI request some data, everything ok
User1 and User2 connect, RESTAPI request some data, Unothorized access status error received.
User2 logout, RESTAPI request some data, everything ok

I´m using POSTMAN to do test.
Ive made test with and without Optional Features >> Disable sessions for web api, checked.
Both using basic authentication and OAuth

Seems that once User limit is reached on logged users using client SERP, no more RESTAPI request can b made.

Sorry - I think I initially misunderstood your question...
Yes - using REST API needs to have a user and a free user space.
If you use a named user - that user has to be dedicated to the API (or ensure that readings are done when the user is not logged in to the system).
If the readings are done with a concurrent user - same idea - there has to be a space for the connection.
REST API usage is considered the same as user - just as if you would log in to the system and read / write the data yourself.
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