Grouping serial numbered items on an invoice
David Smerdel

When creating an invoice from a sales order for items which are tracked by batch number - is it possible to only get one line per item on the invoice, rather than one line per batch number?

Hypothetically, shipping 100 units of item X and 100 units of item Y should only create two invoice lines rather than 200 (of course, the delivery note will have 200 lines, and serial numbers need to be specified there)

Agnieszka Klimkiewicz

I guess you are asking about Unit serial number tracked items. So if you create Invoice from Sales order you will get a line per item (as it is on Sales order). If you create Invoice from Delivery it will reflect Delivery matrix so you have as many lines on invoice as on delivery (per serial number).

Maybe in your database you have in Sales orders > Settings > Orders setup - checkbox - Invoices based on Delivery = ON. In this case Invoice will be based on delivery no matter how it is created (from Sales orders or Delivery) and in both cases will have as many lines as on Delivery (in this case per serial number).


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