Getting enabler key problem
Firas Samara
Hello all, I have a problem with getting enabler key for an old client, I'm trying to get enabler key but this message appeared to me every time "Getting an enabler failed, server not responding correctly, please try later", and when we are going to (system -> Setting -> internet enabler -> register for an automatic enabler) it gives me this message "Communication Failed, server not responding correctly, please try later.".


- internet connection is there.
- all ports are opened at the server.
- all invoices are paid to HW.

when I'n requesting the enabler this is the log file messages:-

2017-12-14 18:17:09 Internet Enabler function called: TheFindIntEnablerAddress

2017-12-14 18:17:09 TheFindIntEnablerAddress = -1
2017-12-14 18:17:10 Standard ERP is running in Restricted Mode. The system is not fully functional. To receive an Enabler please contact your local HansaWorld office or visit our website

2017-12-14 18:19:00 Database not in Live Mode

please advice us,

Firas Samara
Agnieszka Klimkiewicz

Enabler is requested by client not the server, so check if this client has proper connections.
I had similar issue 2 weeks ago and customer managed to get enabler from different client. From messages you send seems that client does not see our servers.

Firas Samara
Created byAgnieszka Klimkiewicz10:03 15 Dec 2017
Hello. Enabler is requested by client not the server, so check if this client has proper connections. I had similar issue 2 weeks ago and customer managed to get enabler from different client. From messages you send seems that client does not see our se
Thank you Agnieszka for your reply... I will check the client connection, try to request enabler again and let you know.
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