How do you upload files using MyStandard?
Paul Timms
I have tried to upload files using File Manager in MyStandard, but the files do not appear on the server. Is this a bug, or is there some procedure to follow to make this work?
Pijus Juodis
Hi, Paul,

I have just tested it on MyStandard - it worked fine.

Can you try uploading a file now and see if it still does not work?
How large was the file you were trying to upload?

Kind regards,

HansaWorld team
Paul Timms
Hi Pijus, hope you're well! I reported this back in January and it started working at some point in February.


Pijus Juodis
There were some issues with downloading and uploading files, as far as I know, all of them should be resolved by now.

Thank you!

Kind regards,
HansaWorld team
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