qupdating function results in "server busy"
Aldevinas Katkus
version 8.4 2018-07-26 (build 84192014), Windows server and Windows clients.

I have a maintenance which generates PDF files from Invoices on the server. The number of PDF files generated is over 3000.
All users get the message "server busy" while the maintenance is running.

Why this happens?
I expected the maintenance to slow down a bit the performance, but it actually blocked all the users (about 10)
my code:

procedure GenInvPDFTrMn(record RcVc RepSpec)
while (qupdating.GenInvPDFTrMn_Run(RepSpec,path,true,prevlooppos)) begin
David Delač
Hello Aldevinas,

Thank you for your enquiry. Server becomes busy because he decides to do "his own stuff first". Best advice I can give is to have this maintenance run during the night so that server does not become busy.

What might help is having reports run on their own threads and this can be done in System >> Optional Features >> Performance >> Multi Thread and Forms on threads enabled.

Best Regards,
David D.
HansaWorld Support
Aldevinas Katkus
Created byDavid Delač13:21 15 Jan 2019
Hello Aldevinas, Thank you for your enquiry. Server becomes busy because he decides to do "his own stuff first". Best advice I can give is to have this maintenance run during the night so that server does not become busy. What might help is having repo
Threads were already configured. THe Maintenance works (or should) the same way as Sales Ledger>>maint>>OK Invoices (non stop). Though never tried to OK thousands of invoices with this maintenance.
Swati D.
Hi Aldevinas

Can they run the maintenance after hours?

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