Process Supplier Refund
Sanjay Parbhoo
Operating system: Windows


A customer asked for instructions on how to process a refund from a supplier for an unknown reason. All systems we are setup use prepayment numbers because of how multi-currency is managed. It is not possible to record a negative prepayment.

How does HW suggest a customer process a supplier refund when you don't know why the supplier has made this refund to you.

Aldevinas Katkus
We usually tell our clients to create a Receipt in the Sales Ledger.
Sanjay Parbhoo
Created byAldevinas Katkus09:45 5 Oct 2022
We usually tell our clients to create a Receipt in the Sales Ledger.
Thanks Aldevinas,

This won't work unfortunately because

- The supplier has to be setup as customer
- Even if they were setup as a supplier, it won't appear on their Supplier Statement or account
- You cannot then allocate this "refund" to a credit note if required.

Aldevinas Katkus
>- You cannot then allocate this "refund" to a credit note if required.
When you receive a credit note from the supplier, you move your "refund" to "some NL account" by "returning" a prepayment (receipt), then create a Payment for that credit note from "some NL account".
This results in correct bank account balance.
Sanjay Parbhoo
Created byAldevinas Katkus14:15 5 Oct 2022
>- You cannot then allocate this "refund" to a credit note if required. When you receive a credit note from the supplier, you move your "refund" to "some NL account" by "returning" a prepayment (receipt), then create a Payment for that credit note from "s

Great, thanks Alevinas. Seems like a lot of work. Do you know why we its not possible to record a negative prepayment in the PL? Seems like it would be so much easier than this method?
Christoffer Riska
I just tested with FI version 8.5 202203-03 (Build 85421439).
Creating a negative prepayment works just fine if you leave the prepayment number field empty, but not if you enter something in the prepayment number field on Flip D. Sounds like a bug to me.
Yavuz Yigiterhan
Hello. We are checking for your question. Thank you.
Brittany McGrath
Hello, a Product Manager is still looking into this and we hope to have an update to your post soon.
Thank you.
Another alternative is you can click to allow on account amounts and book this way. But then it doesnt have the same tracking options as you do with a prepayment number. Might this work for your customer?
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